9973366117 ; 9992388895

Welcome to Dream Consultancy

We are India's Most relevant Company in Education as well as dealing in appropriate guidance in admission.


Dream Consultancy is India's most relevant Company in Education that provide proper guidance,surity in admission as well as in best colleges of india in the field of Medicals and engineering. We understand that choosing a medical school and the decision to become a doctor is an important one demanding high degree of intellectual ability and personal commitment. You will be glad to know about the track record of achievements of our Alumni which is indeed commendable. We wish you all the best for your bright future and career as students. We are here to help you nurture and realize your dreams!

We Provide Admission in INDIA as well as ABROAD.

We deals in Medicals admission as well as Engineering

We Represent World’s Top Medical Universities

We represent some of the world Top Govt Universities providing the Best Medical Education.

Are these Questions Popping in your Mind ?

  • Am I selecting the Right medical university Abroad ?
  • Am I selecting the Right country to pursue MBBS degree?
  • Is the university recognized by medical council of India?
  • Is the Degree globally approved?
  • What will be the medium of instruction?
  • What will be my future after completing the MBBS from Abroad ?

  • We will resolve all your Queries with Long Term Success Guarantee.

    Globally Recognized Medical Universities

    MBBS courses in Abroad are recognized by the MCI and the WHO. The curriculum or syllabus is very important. It further generates the potential of professionalism in students. MBBS In Abroad follows a collective program of study medication. The Indian MBBS students should make sure that the curriculum is approved or accepted universally. The MBBS universities in the foreign countries are further accredited by:
    World Health Organization (WHO)
    Medical Council of India(MCI)
    Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG)
    World Federation of Medical Education (WFME)
    Ministry of Education (Concerned Country)
    Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research(FAIMER)